Hey There!

I am so excited you decided to stop by today and read a little about me! My name is Bianca Diaz, I come from a family with Christian believes. Growing up I felt like I had the perfect life, I had both my parents, my amazing older brother and a beautiful house. Life was perfect!

I have memories of going to church with my family as a little girl, however that all changed. It wasn’t until I turned eight, that everything fell apart. The bible tells us in John 10:10 that the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. That is exactly what he did to my family, he destroyed it.

That little girl that once had a perfect life now lived in a broken home, there was no more going to church or talking about God. For so many years I struggled to find my purpose, which left me to turn to the wrong things. In my early teens, I started going out to parties, consuming alcohol and trying to fill my life up with temporary things. However, those temporary things only left me more empty inside. I was a hurt person that was hurting other people around me. I wasn’t only a hurt person, I was also lost, spiritually lost.

That all changed when I met my Savior Jesus Christ! Jesus gave his life for me and you, so that we can have eternal life through Him. I had an encounter with God, and after that day, my life changed completely. My purpose is found in God alone. I know God created me for His purpose and His will.

My purpose is to share the gospel just like many of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Jesus is coming back soon, I pray that each and every one of you also has an encounter with God and that you accept Jesus as your Savior.

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